Tending the Fire Within: A Creative Container to Prepare for Spring

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Tending the Fire Within: A Creative Container to Prepare for Spring


I am offering a group container to nurture our creativity through plant connection. We will do guided meditations, respond to prompts, and explore the cyclical energies of nature together so that you can get into your creative flow with the coming of Spring!

No strict schedule necessary, just a way to regularly connect to the Earth's natural energies through plants communication for inspiration.

There are 7 modules which walk you through the journey from feeling creatively blocked and frozen to feeling connected and alive! The primary tools I share are guided meditations, writing prompts and methods of plant communication. We'll share in-between calls in a Facebook group so you will have others supporting your process and cheering you on.

This round will start on February 1st, Imbolc, this Thursday, and meet every other Thursday from 6-7 - I have some flexibility with the time according to our needs - until Beltane, May 1st. I will formulate a flower essence blend to accompany us which I will send to you after the first meeting.

The course will cost $240 per round, but for this round I’m charging $200 because it is the first one! You can pay all at once or sign up for a three month payment plan at $68. Send me a message if you would prefer the payment plan and I can send you a link.

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