Plant Communication

The Beans Inside: Finding Inner Peace with the New Moon in Virgo

Beautiful heirloom runner bean blossoms - Scarlet Emperor - will turn to magical, large purple-black beans in long hairy pods.

Beautiful heirloom runner bean blossoms - Scarlet Emperor - will turn to magical, large purple-black beans in long hairy pods.

This New Moon in Virgo had me in quarantine. I got to go back for one afternoon to my garden, gather some squash, check on the blossoms and the beans before returning to my partner’s house where we were sheltering from the world in case we had the dreaded virus. I felt a little trapped. My own sovereign maiden of autumn did not feel resplendent in colorful leaves. She felt a bit imprisoned. The news came pouring in like so many gusts of ill-fated wind. I couldn’t do anything and I felt nervous at every unnecessary interaction. I found it hard to relax, though I had all the time in the world and all of my needs were being met.

On the day of the New Moon, I played the role of the grumpy maiden. I could not see clearly enough to write my lunar download, but I did take a bath and I did sit in some mists which ultimately lifted, or are lifting, on my way to composure and peace. How are you currently finding peace?

Mars Square Saturn and Pluto
Mars is currently retrograde, moving backwards towards ever closer squares with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects were trine the New Moon. A trine is a gentle aspect, and this one probably shed a gentle shadow on how the Mars Retrograde square might be affecting you. I hope you had the time to reflect on this and see behind the veil you may have felt with this New Moon. I have felt the Mars/Pluto square generally as a kind of ennui; j’en ai marre, you would say in French. A fed-upness with the way things are yet an inability and an unwillingness to take action. This has forced me to consider my own patterns of self-sabotage and unwillingness to seek help or take advice. I’ve focused on finding enjoyment in this feeling of stuckness. A few weeks ago, when the Mars/Pluto square was first exact, I made a Hollyhock flower essence which helps me see these patterns of resistance to positive action in myself and in others.

Hollyhock Flower Essence, made especially for the Mars/Pluto square, up in my shop soon.

Hollyhock Flower Essence, made especially for the Mars/Pluto square, up in my shop soon.

How am I getting mired in shadow? What do I need to do to move forwards? How can I help others? As usual, the flower brings clarity when I take this flower essence - I’ve taken it as I write this! Let me know if you would like some to work with during this transit.

Heavier and Heavier
Mars square Saturn bares down on us heavily as well, maybe even more so since the planet Saturn is closer to our Sun. We will feel this pressure through October. It’s been a while since I’ve focused on my own Saturn work, necessary work I think for all those of us incarnated here in the material. Saturn represents Time and reminds us of our limits. We can work with him by developing a pattern to our activities. Lately though I have felt like I don’t want to be too strict with what I require of myself. Saturn stifles Mars’ natural energy for action. How can I work with my limitations in an encouraging way?

Inner Child Work
Lately a new friend in a tarot session suggested that I touch base more often with my inner child, to make sure she feels okay about the actions I am taking (the session was lovely! Thank you Holly! Find her on Instagram @rainbow.time.apothecary). Maybe I can temper a conflicted Saturn, who feels somewhat bound in Capricorn, with my childishness, with playfulness? Maybe I can add variety to my days, even if I am stuck at home or limited because I need to make money in certain ways. Maybe I can just approach my whole life more playfully, as a game I must play. I can follow the rules of course, one must, but I can also take pleasure when pleasure becomes available, or make my daily grind pleasurable by perceiving it that way.

Change Within Change
So much change reverberates right now through the world, and within this we find ourselves in a season of change. Summer cools and fades to Autumn. I recently learned that the colonizers of the “new world”, which we now call New England, renamed Autumn “Fall” because the leaves fall, and they do, dramatically. Currently they are just beginning to blush to red. Fire lights the trees. In the West, fires are still burning, in brighter colors, more alive, ushering in rapid change. This feels painful, like molting skins in a molten land. I think anyone who feels connected to the land feels this too. I want to trust the Earth and where we are all going, but I feel raw and stripped, with not much to hold on to. I think of the seeds that will grow, their hard casings released by fire, and know that this season fills a necessary role in our planetary evolution. We just have to tow the line. And harvest. We must harvest.

Harvesting Beans
As I sat down to write today, a day after the New Moon in Virgo when she is already waxing in Libra, I thought of the peas in their pods, of the purple pole beans that are still growing and swelling outside on their vines. They are still flowering, offering their small red cushions to the bees. I sit writing in a careful, protected space I made during these indoor days, a place to write and read and knit and meditate. We all need this kind of inner sanctum. I know how to build one no matter where I am because I built one in my own breast. Just like the beans that are still swelling in their envelopes, we need to build ourselves safe spaces in which our seeds may grow.

Inner Work, Inner Peace
Summer teaches us how express ourselves while winter teaches us how to move inside. From here, we can observe ourselves, our mental make up, our neuronal connections, and decide which ones to favor and which ones to lay aside. We can also play with them and change them! In June I joined an online community called WEALTH, run by Caroline Elliot and her husband. I learned an amazing and enjoyable form of shadow integration from Carolyn called Existential Kink. She has written a book on the topic and started this community for other thought leaders who want to work with inner alchemy to change themselves and ultimately the world. I highly recommend getting involved if you want a wonderful platform and new friends to play with. You can apply to join now. This kind of inner work, no matter the situation you may find yourself in, brings a sense of inner peace because it teaches you how to, step by step, embrace all your inner shadows, all the little complex beans and seeds that line your being. I can just do the work and watch them swell. I don’t need to stress about outcome, I just know that the more I plant myself, the stronger and more true to myself I will become.

If you enjoyed this essay and want to know more about my work, make a free appointment with me today. I help people who grieve their lost Earth connection find their creative flow again.
You can download my free guide to plant communication


Learning from the Plants about Individuality: The Full Moon in Aquarius

Feeling the Moon


As I write, the Full Moon is still in Aquarius. There is a three day window around the New and the Full Moons in which you can feel a heightened lunar influence. You might even feel lunar for longer periods of time, with more vivid dreams or anxiety. This Full Moon may have hit you with a vengeance. I talked to a friend today who said she had been angry for a week before it went exact and yesterday my mother was more worried than usual. I felt it strongly, in a restrictive way as well. This Full Moon, the opposition between the Sun and the Moon, between Leo and Aquarius, felt harsh to me, as if swords were coming down on all sides.


The Leo and Aquarius

Leo is a fire sign, all about expansion and self expression, and Aquarius is rational air, which feeds the fire, but can also blow it out. The Sun and the Moon were also square Uranus in Taurus, which may have contributed to this feeling of restriction. There was also a Mars in Aries/Jupiter in Capricorn square that we will feel for a while - two goats butting heads - explosions and storms should perhaps not be a surprise.

Seeking Balance

At the Full Moon, Aquarius and Leo were seeking balance, a balance difficult to find, between internal, liberated, intellectual activity and exterior, physical manifestation and attention. Uranus, the change God, was zapping us with potential that felt unreachable.


When I sat down to feel the Moon and see what she had to tell me, I felt held in the unresolved tension of these demands. Where was my peace within it all? I like to imagine myself at the center of the wheel, in the place of calm at the eye of the storm. Tuning in to cycles can help us feel this peace, even as the chaos of human life whirls around us.

The Wheel of the Year

Image by Ravenlove from Pixabay

Image by Ravenlove from Pixabay

On the wheel of the year we have just come past the first Celtic harvest festival, Lughnasadh or Lammas, celebrated around the time of the first of August, when the fruit of the seeds planted in the spring start to ripen. At Beltane, the Green Man and the May Queen mated and now their child, Lugh, begins to age. we are in the full bounty of growth, but the weather where I am is stormy and the sky is grey. The wind speaks words to me that feel weary. Still, we are alive this day, still blowing they say.

To Shine or Not to Shine

The Moon wanted me to talk bout individuation. Leo the lion, where the Sun is, is a fire sign. He wants us all to shine. He is the king, in power, and he wants us all to have a piece of it. We all deserve attention. We all want to be king. But Aquarius, in the air element, friend to the mental, reminds us there are limits to all things, and limits to this shine. Aquarius brings the sword down, pounds his fist on the table, wants the rational first and a solution to things. He wants us to forget this exuberant shining. Is there a middle ground? The Full Moon time, a land of extremes, often asks us this. Where do we need to find balance?


So what is individuation? I started to think about it simply in terms of existing as a self in relation to a community, on the spectrum the runs from being independent to being dependent or integrated. The word process is important and comes up again and again in philosophical discussions of individuation. We are never fully individuated but always differentiating ourselves, or being differentiated, from what exists around us. We are not separate from, we are a part of something greater, though at times it seems we have collectively forgotten. Individuation is a process that starts when we are born and never really ends while we are alive.

Psychological Individuation

Starting a business is lonely…

Starting a business is lonely…

For Jung it was the “achievement of self-actualization through a process of integrating the conscious and the unconscious.” It is a process of becoming one, of becoming whole and entire. It seems to me can engage more or less consciously with this process, and for Jung it was certainly a life’s work, and probably never complete.

Too Visible or Not Enough

This Full Moon got me thinking about how we individuate and whether we find this easy to do or not. Are we protected when we do so, protected enough to grow? We wish we knew. We want to be sure. But we are often left on one side of the two extremes, isolated, either too visible or not enough.

Starting a Business

I had trouble starting a business because it was difficult for me to stand out. Why share something when there are others doing similar things? Who am I to share on this topic when others are doing it better and more fluently? What if I stand out and people don’t like what they see?


When I was younger I was sometimes accused of copying, and this left a mark on me. Telling someone not to copy, or making them feel bad because they do, makes people feel that they should only share something if it is truly unique and special. That seems like a good way to keep people silent, doesn’t it? If only someone who is truly unique has a right to share, if you don’t feel special you won’t even try.

Self Worth

Feeling special comes from how we were treated while we were growing up and the sense of self worth that was given to us as children. I don’t know about you, but in my family, the emphasis was definitely placed on us siblings all being treated equally, which, as you can imagine, led to some problems and definitely didn’t help me understand how to express my individuality. And some people aren’t even given the chance of equal treatment. From birth they are told by society that their voice doesn’t count. It’s tricky to value yourself when the world around you doesn’t.


To reconcile the extremes of community and individuality you need to embrace a paradox: that the more fully we individuate, the more able we are to come into community. Art itself, or any form of self expression, was not initially meant to demarcate an artist but to unite the community around a moment of channeled creation. Art used to be a channel that erased the individual who thus served his or her community. The artist was a mystic who knew how to blend and to become one with his audience, and on a fundamental level I think we still know this, when we lose ourselves in a play or a painting.

My Words Are Not Me

As a writer, I’ve always found it interesting that the first Latin word for poet was vates, which means seer or prophet. I’ve always felt in writing poetry that something was passing through me, like a divine wind. Other poets have felt this too. When I make flower essences, I have a similar feeling, of channeling a kind of prophetic healing message to humans from the plants. My words are not me. Sometimes people don’t understand this, but it isn’t just false modesty. My individual gifts are only special when I forget who I am and speak for something greater.


Creative expression comes through us as through a channel. Our uniqueness is in fact what attaches us to the whole. The paradox of individuality is that we can’t be happy being completely individuated but must learn somehow how to reconnect ourselves to the bigger picture of the world around us. Without this grounding force, we are either too much or nothing at all.

How Plants Individuate

Last week I wrote about being green and I continue to wonder what this means. It could mean we strive to be more like our green relatives. If we want to be more like plants, can we observe how they individuate? Do plants individuate? At first glance, it might seem that they don’t. Their sense of the collective is certainly stronger than ours, yet I have experienced distinct, personal interactions with individual plants. Individual plants come from seeds which produce the same genes - they grow as a type. Yet each one reacts individually to the environment that surrounds them and faces individual challenges to their existence. It seems to me that plants have mastered the skill of being individual in community. What can we learn from them?


Mullein, king of my garden

Mullein, king of my garden

Mullein grows straight up to the sky. He is a magical plant, associated with both Saturn and Mercury, who reminds me to stand tall. His medicine is for the bones - structural, spinal - and also for the throat and the ear. A vast teacher, he represents for me how to grow vastly, deeply, and reach for the sky. Each stalk has its own character, and one or a few branches of flowers. Each flower on the stalk flowers individually, and over some time. For me he is the example of how to thrive in community, yet stand tall in one’s own individuality. There is nothing uncomfortable about each plants individual blooming. They take two years to bloom, and are sweet and soft at first, becoming harder and taller in the second year, making seeds and sowing himself readily. His root is long, smooth and woody. To me he is very masculine, and teaches how to be tall and strong despite what may be going on in his vicinity.

Water lily

Water lily, queen of my pond

Water lily, queen of my pond

I’ve also been contemplating Waterlily, growing on my pond, pink and round, a stark contrast to our friend Mullein standing up above at the entrance to the garden. Waterlily is utterly feminine to me, growing sideways, spreading out, living in water, made of earth and water, as opposed to Mullein’s air and fire. She is a nymph, Nymphaea is her name, and she is home to many green frogs who sit on her and seem to contemplate their life, much like Kermit did as he sang his song. The Egyptians believed that Isis was born from a lotus and her petals suggest that place from which all human life is born. What is her approach to individuation? Growing in my pond, each flower also blooms individually, a different size and color, at her own rhythm and in her own time, yet they seem to thrive together, expanding outwards horizontally, supporting and sharing the surface of the water where everyone seems to want to be.

Learning From the Flowers

Perhaps like flowers, expressing the highest energy of our type, we can lose ourselves in the creation of who we are and who we were meant to be. This places individuality in service to the community. It is only by losing ourselves in something greater that we find our true purpose. Both Mullein and Water lily, in their different ways, show us how to be comfortable as who we are in community yet shine in our own unique way.

Separate and Together

Perhaps we too ready to see ourselves as both separate and together, different and the same, at the same time. Perhaps in the right community, with the right support, we can thrive. I think the important thing is not to cut ourselves off from community in order to forge our individuality. Human society has made this mistake too many times. By seeing our our similarities, we thrive together and by supporting each other in our differences, we blossom. I believe it is possible to do both. I think that is what the Full Moon wanted to tell to me. The Moon encouraged me to observe the plants growing around me, to listen to the green realm and learn about individuality. The paradox of Leo and Aquarius need not be so harsh: after all, they both live in the same sky.

If you want to talk to me about any of these topics, make a free appointment with me here.

How do you individuate? Where are you on the spectrum of individual/community? How do express yourself creatively? Do you long to do it more or differently?

The flowers probably have something very special to tell you about your own process and I’d love to explore it with you!

Or sign up for a flower essence consultation here to receive your own potent flower message and personalized flower essence.

You can shop for my wild crafted flower essences here and here. Each essence for sale comes with its own message in the form of a poem that you can work with to heal emotional wounds, work on creative blocks and feel more vibrant and whole.

I’m also currently offering tarot readings! Intuitive guidance from the cards can help you navigate any tricky bit of road you might find yourself on. You can make an appointment for one here.

As a member of a new found community of magical people, Carolyn Elliot’s WEALTH, I’m sharing a post on my Instagram account, so you can follow me there and on my Facebook business page for more writing and offerings. You can also support my creative expression on Patreon and receive poetry, flower art, flower essences and consultations that way.

I wish you a beautifully balanced day! Between air and fire, mental and material, mind and body, may you be wonderfully integrated and fabulously yourself, at the very same time.



Trauma Rising: Blooming Into Change with Grace


The Full Moon in Sagittarius and Eclipse
Friday’s Full Moon was a lunar eclipse, the first of three this season. A lunar eclipse happens when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, and I can’t think of a better way to describe what we have been collectively experiencing since the New Moon two weeks ago. We are all witnessing our emotional selves (the Moon) in the Earth’s shadow. Eclipses generally demand less activity, and I was laying low, resting and cleaning. The last two weeks have brought up a lot of trauma, both collectively and personally, for many if not all of us, and especially the black and brown people on Earth at this time, and I have wanted to step back from sharing. I have been keeping my distance from social media since Venus retrograded in Gemini, and I was pleased at how timely this was. As a person with white skin, it is not the time for me to seek to shine. I am continuing to be mindful of what I put out and take in. This Full Moon was also square Mars, reminding us of our personal battles, and almost conjunct Venus, who would like to soften all this strife, but also must allow it to unfold.

The Sun in Gemini and Black Lives Matter
As I write this, the Sun is still in Gemini, and we can feel all that zapping energy around the events in the United States, as the racist paradigm this country was created within can be more clearly seen in order to be dismantled. My mind has been filled with portraits of George Floyd and images of city streets filled with people demanding change. I am sickened and saddened by how much suffering the institutions in our country perpetuate and I am overjoyed that more black voices are being heard in the media. I strongly believe that we can use the division and pain we are experiencing to move into the change we once thought of as impossible. The Minneapolis police force will no longer be funded, the people in the streets are not just going to go home. Healing comes, as it must, however slowly, rising like a wave, opening like a bloom. I pray for reparations for disenfranchised people and social and racial justice. The plants who taught me how to listen teach me diversity too, equanimity, and how to bloom into change.

Trauma Blooming in the Body
Just like all the plants that are coming abundantly into their green, there is much work to do on a personal and a collective level. Just like the plants show us how to heal the Earth, by allowing what is barren to support life again and clearing the soil of toxins, we can reinvigorate our communities with care and communication. We can pay attention to the people around us and build resilience in ourselves and others this way. We can give of ourselves, our time and energy, to help foster healing. We can take time for ourselves to re-source and re-generate. Both are necessary, and we need to know how to feel into which one we need to do at any given time. Maybe it is time to go out into the street and support the change-makers. Maybe it is time to be a change-maker. Or maybe it is time to stay home and tend to your garden or your house plants or take a bath. Only you can know. But when we are allowing trauma to rise in the body, it is essential to take the time to ground and be with ourselves as well as others. For help in this process, and in the process of healing our collective history around the damage caused by white supremacy, both past and present, I am reading and doing the exercises in the book My Grandmother’s Hands, by Resmaa Menakem. I am thankful to my teacher Asia Suler for putting me onto this vital work and I highly recommend the journey to anyone with a human body.

An Iris Flower Essence with Mary
During the eclipse, I made a new Iris Flower Essence, with Mary. I’ve recently started praying the rosary, reuniting with my understanding of the deep grace and love that Mother Mary offers, and she just happens to be in the garden of the new love in my life, a white and light blue statue, opening her robe to the beautiful blooming of the Earth. Beside her grows some Irises, gentle purple, blue and white, and they called to my love that day and I agreed, yes, today is a good day to make an Iris Flower Essence with Mary. Last summer I made a purple Iris essence which carries a powerful message of healing and embracing our own darkness in order to share our channeled messages. I think this Iris essence will also be in my line of shadow essences, but with the message of concors discordia, a concordant discord or discordant concord, a concept I have worked on a lot in my work on medieval literature. This concept sees the unity of nature as intrinsically diverse, and suggests that we can seek to embrace this complexity in the world around us and in ourselves. This essence carries the message of Divine Unity and the deep truth of the Trinity, which predates Christian teachings. The Iris embodies a three-petaled star, the one made of many, the three stages of life, the maiden, mother, crone; the unity of the body, mind and spirit. Three is also the magical number of fairy tales, the time it takes to learn a lesson and the number that allows a gift to cycle. This essence teaches us that diversity is a constituent of wholeness, that chaos can be harmonious, and that this is the way of the world. If you feel this message speaks to you now or that you need to ground it in your body, you can purchase it here. I’d like to offer it for free to anyone directly affected by systemic injustice, whether black or brown or struggling with the current events, or protesting and in need of extra support. Just send me a message:
I’d love to hear your story too and find out how the plants have helped support you in any way.

Dried Herbs for Sale
I’ve also been harvesting and drying herbs at Flack Family Farm - Valerian for bath salts, Lemon balm and Spearmint for an herbal tea blend - Cool and Calm. You can purchase these here! I don’t know for how long. I’ve felt ambivalent about offering herbal products other than essences, since I don’t really feel this is what the plants are asking of me, but I know that many people need a good supply of organic herbs at this time and an herbal tea might be the gateway to more plant discoveries for you… I’ll be putting more up as they come. I am connected to the plants while I harvest and their message is not only physical, it is also spiritual. Dried herbs and teas are a remedy for the body and the soul.

Talking about Plant Connection
If you want to make an appointment with me to talk about working more intimately with the plants, now is the time! I’ll be busy through the end of June and July so make a free appointment with me here now. I’d love to talk to you about how fostering plant connection can inspire your creative life and help you discover your life purpose. I’ll be sharing my story in an interview on a podcast this week and offering a new free gift soon - a 3 Step Guide to Plant Communication - so look for that too! I’ll also be sharing more of my story with people who subscribe to my newsletter if you are curious about how I began talking to plants and the transformation this brought to my life.

Dear plant whisperers, I think that is all for now! Remember to love and listen to each other, to watch where you walk and to take care of your heart which is the Earth.



Zero Gravity: Lessons for the New Moon and Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

A New Moon in Pisces with Mercury retrograde in that sign, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so slowed down. I’m swimming in the unconscious and sleeping a lot, embracing my darkness, taking a trip on the self-love underground. I’m listening to the water drip and the clocks tick. Something is coming but it is still incubating. I’m watching for its slow emergence.

I’m taking care of four cats and a dog, noticing how animals are naturally slow. Cats sit and stare, becoming agitated when they think a meal is coming. The dog rests until it is time to come rouse me and go for a walk. I like letting their rhythms rule mine for the weekend. I’ve put my agenda on hold.

In the house I’m taking care of, there is a zero gravity setting on the bed I am sleeping in. I’ve been putting myself there to write down dreams, to rest. It feels so relaxing, and very Piscean!

A new moon is a new beginning. I’m planting the seed of myself, deep down under the Earth. My sun is in Pisces, so I’m already naturally in these slow, deep waters, but this moon feels epically so. I’m tracking my dreams, both those that come when I’m sleeping and those I make with my eyes open. I practice, like the cats, keeping my eyes half closed, to see the space in between the sleeping and the waking, the way reality comes together like two eye-lids, half closed.

Animal Emotions

Animals are naturally emotive in an uncomplicated way so spending time with them can help us be too. One cat likes to sit on my gloves on the table. Another sits on my chest while I knit. Another curls up in a box to hide while another one wants to play. All of them are in and out of emotional states rapidly and gracefully. They hiss, then cuddle. I blink my eyes at them.

Emotional Awareness

This season is asking us to become more aware of our emotions, and more patient with them as well. Mercury retrograde can make us feel stuck with them, but I’ve noticed that as I breath, listen to music, talk a walk, they flow. Maybe the flow is a bit slow, it’s still icy out there, but they do flow. Like icicles gathering then disappearing. Sometimes they are like reverse icicles growing up from the ground, coming from some deep space I don’t even know, reaching for the light, bringing me back to situations I thought I’d already said goodbye to, but in the dark they appear again so that I can let them go.

Dream Work

Neptune is also in Pisces, so I’d like to take a moment to talk about dream work. I’ve learned so much by simply writing down my dreams every morning. If I don’t remember them, I write down that I don’t remember them. The dreams get clearer with this practice, though there are still times when they are cloudy. When I write them down and talk about them with friends, I can get perspective on my life. I can take symbolic action on them. This is a way of showing myself that I am listening to myself. Synchronicities start to arise. I know which paths to follow, instinctively. My intuition gets stronger. Tracking dreams is a way to commit to a fruitful dialogue with yourself. It doesn’t always have to be profound. Taking action on a dream can be calling up a friend, buying a book, eating a certain meal.

As a Pisces, sometimes my dreams seem more real than reality, so I can go deep with them. I can dream in a dream. I can dream in a dream when I’m awake too. Right now the Piscean waters are so deep that I can get perspective. I can be miles below myself or miles above. I like playing with these distances. They are not getting me anywhere, but I know that such explorations will help me feel more here, in the moment, in my dream time actuality. Zero gravity.

Zero Gravity

What are the ways we can be zero gravity with ourselves? We can go there with our bodies by feeling how supported we are in our environment, even if we don’t have a zero gravity bed. Any moment has zero gravity potential. I’m resting into the way things are. I feel safe and held.


I did a flower essence attunement today, with an essence I made in the Fall, a beautiful, dark and strong flower spirit, Datura. When I made her she communicated with me her rage at not being seen. I felt immediate recognition of this feeling in myself. What are the parts of yourself that feel this rage at not being recognized or acknowledged?

Today her message was more gentle, but still had to do with finding constructive expression for this rage. I remembered all the ways my purest essence was silenced as a child, and all the ways I silenced myself.

A white trumpet at the top of my spine
a back bend in time
reaching back to meet myself
I am whole unto myself
a circle in time
I have clarity in all situations
clarity of vision
I see myself as I truly am
unabashed, unashamed
I own my experiences
I come back to myself,
again, again, again.

What a beautiful message to be gifted on this New Moon.

Let me know if you would like this essence, part of a line of shadow work essences I am developing. They aren’t up in my shop yet, so just drop me a line.

If you would like to explore working with me to learn how to connect to plants, get your own messages from the flowers and improve your relationship with your truest self, make a free appointment with me here.

Love and blessings unfolding in deep waters,

